angela sonia homes
Partnering with high caliber landlords and luxurious properties to secure years of guaranteed rental income.
about us —
We pride ourselves on offering fully furnished homes for the sophisticated business traveler and ambitious jetsetters who want more than just a 12x12 hotel room for their important visits. Our homes are always situated in the most desirable locations across the country and are saturated with high-end details and thoughtful amenities. Through mindful curation, we work tirelessly to deliver a five-star experience for each and every guest.
Because Angela Sonia Homes holds the corporate lease with the landlord, each guest has flexibility to enjoy the location during a timeframe that works best for them. This model has proven to be a win-win as it accommodates the most eclectic group of travelers (relocated employees, interns, new hires and vacationing families), while ensuring landlords have a tenant with a vested interest in the quality of their home.
why should you lease your property to angela sonia homes?
Guaranteed Rental Income
Leasing with us means you are signing on for guaranteed rental income throughout the entire multi-year lease. No worrying about tenants paying on time or wondering if they might lose their jobs or roommates. With a corporate business as your tenant, you’ll be paid on-time, every month regardless of how many client stays.Home Security and Safety
Partnerships and agreements are nothing without trust, which is why we implement several protocols to ensure peace of mind. Each property has exterior video cameras installed to monitor your home 24/7 along with no-noise curfews after 9:30 PM (tracked by noise detectors to prohibit any parties). Additionally, we screen all clients prior to approving their stay. We do not allow pets, smoking or parties and always charge a premium price for all stay to ensure our clientele is precisely who we expect to accommodate. Taking care of your property as our own, and making sure clients have a top-tier stay is our number one priority and the crux of our business.Less Wear and Tear
Your home will be meticulously cared for and professionally cleaned no less than one time every week, regardless of guest stay length. With traditional tenants, the home can go months or years without a deep or proper clean, but with our dedicated cleaning staff you can rest assured that your property will remain in excellent condition until the day we end our partnership.Quality and Care
We employ professional cleaning staff who are dedicated to upholding our high cleaning standards after each stay. Our team is thoroughly trained, has meticulous attention to detail and takes immense pride in their work. Whether it’s removing tough stains, sanitizing surfaces or refreshing the ambiance of each room, our staff has the expertise to deliver exceptional results.
Let’s work together.
Do you have a property that you’re considering for a corporate lease? Fill out the information below and we’ll be in touch to discuss the details as soon as possible. We’re excited to hear from you!